
¿Sabías que puedes disfrutar de una conexión a internet al precio más bajo aunque no haya cobertura de fibra en tu zona? En este artículo te contamos todo lo que quieres saber sobre este tema y mucho más.

How to sign up for ADSL?

This is something else! You have undertaken all the necessary reforms and installations to be able to enjoy a home automation system with all the services.

Thanks to this, you will be able to have all the control of your devices and electrical appliances through a single control or manage the temperature and lighting in your home remotely just by using your smartphone.

However, in order to be able to use all the advantages that home automation offers, it is necessary to have a good internet connection.

ADSL Domotic Home

At present, home internet technology is contracted through a fibre optic tariff, as it is a cable that allows a gigabyte download and upload speed to be reached.

However, these types of tariffs can be expensive, especially if they must be contracted together with a television and landline telephone service with unlimited calls abroad.

What happens if we only need a basic internet tariff to be able to connect our devices and watch the odd series from a streaming platform, where do those whose home is located in an area without fibre optic coverage go?

For those who can't afford a fibre optic tariff or don't want to pay a high price, there is always the option of cheap ADSL.

This is an asymmetrical broadband cable that offers an average download speed of 30 megabytes and a very low upload speed. In this sense ADSL is much cheaper than its successor, fibre optic, and can provide the same connectivity service.

What are domotic houses like?

Domotic houses are those that have implemented home automation services in the property, services related to new technologies and the aim of offering maximum comfort to its tenants. From Zona-internet.com they show us what domotic houses are like:

These homes make use of the so-called "Internet of Things" or IoT, with smart appliances that are interconnected to each other and to the network.
The tenant can control all appliances and devices from a single smartphone.
Blinds and shades can be programmed to make the most of sunlight. There are now also some with light detectors that automatically lower or raise them according to the need for light and temperature in the home.
Home automation also makes use of intelligent thermostats to be able to regulate at the same time as the home's air-conditioning appliances.